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This is for you if you would like to support your general Gut Health including improving digestion, skin health, mood and weight.
Includes 3 consultation to help give you the tools you need to help cut the confusion around food, get your vitality and energy back to feel like you again.
Appointments either in person or online
This is for you if you want to support a Happy Gut. Targeting IBS symptoms including Diarrhoea/Constipation, Fatigue, Bloating, SIBO, Leaky gut, Intolerances, Allergies, GERD, IBD and Celiac disease.
Helping you cut the confusion around food, have better digestion, regain your energy so that you can FLOURISH and enjoy life again.
4 months full support package giving you the tools and confidence you need to support a Happier Healthier YOU.
Support includes in person, online, email and telepho
This is for you if you want to review your diet and lifestyle so that you feel on the right track to feeling healthier again.
Appointment either in person or online.
1 x 7 day personalised Meal Plan
Meal plan must be added to any of the above packages or health review.
Nutritional therapy Derbyshire - Draycott & Nottingham. IBS Nutritionist Derby
Get your guide to a happy gut today. Double opt in to receive your free guide.